Reasons to give ArtNewCo. gift cards (like you need any)

Who really needs a reason to send an ArtNewCo. gift card is what you’re asking…

I mean, who wouldn’t want a chance to come treasure hunt at ArtNewCo. and leave with something truly *one-of-a-kind* like we all are? Not to mention, we have prices for any budget to enjoy – that’s very important to us!

I’ve been a big fan of sending Postables, personally, so found (*only*) 67 reasons to send a card/Gift Card.

We love giving and want to reward your kindness of sharing ArtNewCo. to someone else so I’m happy to offer an additional 20% free!
$50 GC = $60 to spend, $500 = $600, $1000 = $1,200 ♥

Click HERE to order yours! ++ we’ll do a customized card for you!

(P.S. it’s ok to give yourself a gift too, go on, you deserve it!)

Hope you find the article as entertaining as we did!

67 Common & Unexpected Reasons to Send a Greeting Card

Hoping to scrounge up a reason to write a greeting card? Birthdays and weddings aren’t the only occasions perfect for a card. If you’re wondering what some of those reasons are… We’ve got plenty!

And if you’re anything like us where the idea of standing in line to buy stamps at the post office is unthinkable — you’re in luck. There’s really no need to buy (or lick for that matter) any stamps in 2019. If you want to send a card — any card for any reason whatsoever — Postable can mail it for you.

There’s a giant selection of beautiful designer greeting cards that we’ll print, address and mail out for you.

OK. On to the good stuff — all those reasons you’ll want to send some of those greeting cards.

Common and not-so-common reasons to send a greeting card right now.


If you’re sitting there… thinking ‘HEY! You forgot one (or two)!’ Please, don’t let us stop you and be sure to tell us already! Share all your brilliant ideas for why you’d send a card in the comment section. You’ll be happy you did 🙂

1. Birthdays.

Let’s start with the obvious. And although you may be thinking birthday cards are not so unconventional, it’s time to think outside the box. Best friends and uncles aren’t the only ones with birthdays, you know. Don’t forget about your downstairs neighbor! Send this card here.


2. Your best friend just passed the bar.

While you were at the bar, she was tackling it. This is one hell of an accomplishment and it certainly deserves some serious recognition. Send this card here.


3. You & your childhood buddy share a secret love of grillz.

We did say unconventional, didn’t we? Send this card here.


4. You spilled ketchup on your sister’s blouse. That you borrowed. Without asking.

You may want to cook her dinner too (skip the ketchup). And maybe not be home when she gets there to find out. Send this card here.


5. Belated birthdays.

Better late than never. Sending a funny belated birthday card is a great way to let your loved one know that you care while poking a bit of fun at yourself. Send this card here.


6.  Thank you (for gifts).

Ok back to the somewhat conventional greeting card. But also, when was the last time you sent a thank you card after receiving a gift? You do like getting gifts, don’t you? Write a thank you card so that you get another next time. Send this card here.


7. Thank you (for being awesome).

Do you really need a gift to thank someone? Maybe they’re just awesome and you really appreciate their existence. Why not thank them for just being them? Send this card here.


8. Graduation.

It’s time to think outside the box again. While sending greeting cards on momentous occasions such as high school or college graduation is a given, what about the not-so-obvious graduations? Nephew graduate from pre-K? Bet he thinks it’s a pretty big deal! Send this card here.


9. Wedding invites.

Considering an e-vite? For the love of all things lovely — reconsider. If you choose any of these wedding invites Postable will print, address and mail them for you. You’ll have nice hold-in-your-hands wedding invites without any of the hassles. Send this card here.


10. Your next door neighbor did your daughter’s hair for prom.

Your daughter looked fabulous and you rocked the Official Cool Mom Badge. A thank you card was well deserved. Send this card here.


11. Save the dates.

See above re: #9 Wedding Invites. Send this card here


12. Your groomsmen have done a pretty swell job keeping your mind at ease in the days leading up to the big day.

A bottle of Jack Daniels is good, but send a snazzy thank you card before the big day even arrives to set the tone. Send this card here.


13. Surviving finals week.

Let someone know you were rooting for them the whole time! If you remember what finals week was like, you’ll understand why this feat is totally worth celebrating. Send this card here.


14.  Motivation.

See #13 and consider sending a motivational encouragement card during* the finals week first. Really cover all your bases. Send this card here.


15. Mother’s Day.

Very conventional indeed. We really hope you let mom know just how out-of-this-world amazing she is with a Mother’s Day card of her own. A real one. No, a text will not cut it. Send this card here.


16. Your friends are moving.

Your good friend could use your support… In the form of a card (you’d love to help, but you’ve got that thing…). Send this card here.


17. Your new home!

You did it! You’re all moved into your dream home. Why not rub it in a little to those friends that had that ‘thing’ on your moving day? Send a little reminder of how awesome your new place is with an adorable moving announcement. Send this card here.


18. New neighbors!

It’s not easy being the new folks on the block. Why not welcome them to the neighborhood? Send this card here.


19. Your uncle is starting a health journey.

Wish him well and let him know you’re rooting for him with an encouragement greeting card! Send this card here.


20. New co-worker.

While you’re in the welcoming mood, why not extend a welcome to the new co-worker? Send this card here.


21. Because President’s Day.

Yay for extra days off work! Send this card to a co-worker in celebration of the holiday you didn’t know you could love. Send this card here.

22. You’re Homesick.

You’re having the time of your life traveling the world or perhaps building out a new life in a new city. Wherever your life has taken you — it’s away from home. Go ahead, let them know you miss em’. Send this card here.


23. Your buddy made a fool of themselves.

Nothing says, ‘You’re a fool, but I still love ya!’ than a loving card. Send this card here.


24. You made a fool of yourself.

We’ve all been there. It’s always best to just own up to it and move on. Send this card here.


25. Your relationship is getting a bit static… spice things up.

A naughty love card may just be what the love doctor ordered. Send this card here.


26. Just to say a special hello.

Texting is so overrated. But also — how stinkin’ cute is this E. Frances Paper card?!  Send this card here.


27. You got a new puppy!

If your sister can send birth announcements of her new baby, why can’t you introduce yours? Send this card here.


28. Someone’s sick.

Send some healthy vibes with a get well card. Send this card here.


29. You were once a rotten teenager.

We’ve all been there. Living through the teenage years often feels like life is hard to endure… Then there were those that had to endure you. Go ahead, send a card to your parents. Send this card here.


30. Halloween.

What better reason could you possibly need to send an adorable little card like this one? Send this card here.


31. Mom grew her first tomato!

Have YOU ever grown anything? Send this card here.


32. You know you’re going to have a pretty rough week coming up, send yourself a YOU CAN DO IT card!

Sometimes you’ve got to be your own greatest and loudest cheerleader. Send this card here.


33. It’s your uncle’s cat’s birthday.

You may not understand his enthusiasm for his 9 cats, but you know he’ll totally dig it if you send ole’ Pickles a birthday card. Send this card here.


34. You’re graduating high school.

You made it! Now go show it off with some of those snazzy graduation announcements. Send this card here.


35. Your friend just posted their first blog post.

Send them a congratulations card and let them know you loved it (lie if you must). Send this card here.


36. Valentine’s Day.

Ok, so not so unconventional. But nevertheless — a great reason to send a card indeed. Send this card here.


37. Your cousin got engaged.

Send them your warmest wishes and maybe you could manage to weasel yourself out of being a part of the bridal party. Send this card here.


38. An old family friend is retiring.

Kind of a big deal. Send this card here.


39. Easter.

A perfect excuse to show off those new photos you’ve been snapping of the whole family! Send this card here.


40. You finally found someone who is just as crazy about those raspberry stuffed doughnuts.

Let them know it was meant to be. Send this card here.


41. You accidentally* ate your roommate’s last piece of cake.

Seriously, if ever there was a time to say sorry. Send this card here.


42. It’s your bestie’s half-birthday.

Hey, you wanted a reason to send a card… Send this card here.


43. Timmy, the 10-year-old who lives next door, mowed the lawn without asking for money.

His parents may be using your property as a source of discipline, but you can still show your appreciation with a snazzy thank you card! Send this card here.


44.  You’re throwing a party.

Sure, you could use Facebook. But if you want to throw a special bash, there’s really no better way to invite your friends than with real hold-in-your-hand invites. Send this card here.


45. Because your grandmother really likes to get cards.

Who doesn’t? Send this card here.


46. Holidays!

Christmas. Hanukkah. Kwanza. You name it, everyone loves to have a merry holiday season! Send this card here.


47. Boss’s Day.

A great way to keep your name at the top of the upcoming promotions list. Send a card! Send this card here.


48. First day jitters.

Whether it’s the first day of first grade or their first big boy/girl job. Let them know you’re rooting for them! Send this card here.


49. Someone you know is expecting.

Because pregnancy puns are truly fantastic. Send this card here.


50. Your little cousin is nervous about going to their first school dance.

Let us not forget how freaked out you were about the prospect of a slow dance. Send this card here.


51. You haven’t seen your childhood best friend in years (what feels like forever).

You used to be sidekicks. Send your old BFF a hello card. Send this card here.


52. Your professor is sick.

Getting on the good side of your professors with a get well soon card, may the be the smartest thing you do all year. Send this card here.


53. Fourth of July.

Go ahead, celebrate the good ole’ U S of A. Send this card here.


54. Your first niece is born!

She can’t read the card now… but give it a few years and she’ll be thanking ya for such a thoughtful welcome! Send this card here.


55. Your BFF loves Ryan Gosling.

Who doesn’t? Send this card here.


56. Your grandma’s pup just got back from the vet.

Old Joe may not know you sent a get well card, but grammy will. Send this card here.


57. You really screwed up.

Accidentally tell your best friend’s boyfriend that thing you weren’t supposed to know? Send this card here.


58. Your little sister just graduated from college and has no idea what she wants to do.

Share some of that new found wisdom of yours. Let her know it’s ok to be a little lost. Send this card here.

59. Father’s Day.

Because dad deserves a real card on his special day. Send this card here.


60. You’re having a housewarming party.

You just moved into your first adult home… Show everyone your new found adult-ness with real party invites sent through snail mail and everything! Send this card here.

61. Mom ran her first 5K.

When was the last time you trained for anything? Send this card here.

62. Your little brother wants to be a professional magician.

Send him some encouragement and support while you’re away at college. Send this card here.


63. Your little brother finally got the nerve to ask out his longtime crush.

That’s a big deal! Send this card here.


64. You’re throwing a bridal shower.

You don’t want to be the person who let down the bride. Easily send beautiful bridal shower invitations. Send this card here.


65. A friend is going through some rough times.

A simple ‘Thinking of You’ can go a long way. Send this card here.


66. Your classmate took time out of her day to help you out with material you’re struggling with.

She spent hours at the library with you and missed the party everyone keeps talking about… it’s the least you can do. Send this card here.


67. You know someone with an undying love of cats.

How could you NOT send this card? It’s the definition of cat perfection. Send this card here.


Phew. That’s a lot of great reasons to send a card! Do you have any to add?! Tell us in the comment section 🙂


Total: $3,050.00